Base Rate:
1-Bedroom - $3,500
Patio Room - $3,750
2- Bedroom - $4,000
Community Based Residential Facility (CBRF)
Base Rate:
Studio Room - $4,000
ALA CART Pricing (Monthly) :
Medication Management (RCAC ONLY) - $350
Second Person In Room (2-bedroom) - $750
Meals for Second Person in Room - $350
Laundry for Second Person in Room - $100
Ambulation Assistance - One Person - $200
Ambulation Assistance - 2 Person - $400
Anti-Embolism Stocking/Wraps - $100
Daily Wash-up's - $100
Weekly Bathing Assistance - $100
Extra Bathing - $100
Vital Check - MD Ordered or requested (Daily) - $100
Vital Checks- MD ordered or Requested (Weekly) - $50
Catheter Care - $200
Challenging Issues - $400
1-1 Supervision - $300/Daily
Client Supervision / Wander-Guard Usage - $200
Colostomy Care - $200
Diabetic Care - $400
Dressing Assistance - $200
Eating Assistance - $200
Grooming Assistance - $200
Incontinence Care / Toileting Assistance - $200
Meals Served in Room - $200
Oxygen Maintenance and Monitoring - $200
Respite Care - $200/ Daily
Range of Motion (R.O.M.) - Therapy - $200
Special Diet - $200
Transfer Assistance - One Person - $200
Transfer Assistance (Hoyer or Sit-to-stand Lift) - $400
Treatments - $200
Other Special Needs not listed above - $200